We had AJO for our weekly podcast and reaffirmed on Episode 18 that TRANSCEND video will be released on 18 September and here it is today.
TRANSCEND is the first official single off the forth-coming African Reality album by AJO slated to drop later this year. AJO simply picked up the heat since last year after his No Apologies EP. TRANSCEND comes at a time when the African narrative is not clear or pretty much altered.
In the visual; AJO stars with a vixen (yet to be known) who dons an all African attire while AJO transitions in different costumes. There is a shot of AJO at one moment wearing a mask to re-echo the dark side of our country and the corrupted mind-set of some African leaders at large.
In the spirit of Mandela
Portraits of Kwame Nkrumah and Nelson Mandela as key inspirations to the Pan-African-ism on this song and the entire coming album are overly shown.
Clumsy Media made a great impression on this one courtesy of Chris Kobel and the whole team. There is hope! The stakes are fifty-fifty. More could have been done however the important motifs are well packaged.
Later on we have a think-piece on key symbols to lookout for from Transcend but for now watch the video below:
Download the TRANSCEND audio here
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