Clearing the Air: 256 Hip Hop Awards and UG Hip Hop Awards are not the same – the motive is

Clearing the Air: 256  Hip Hop Awards and UG Hip Hop Awards are not the same – the motive is

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It is obviously confusing, 256 is a code for Uganda. There are two awards entities and many of you have been asking lots of questions about the two entities. At some point some of you were planning to give up following. Since you sent the inquiries to us and I personally was getting tired of providing the answers that i hope you knew. As NuveyLive we love to provide all the relevant Hip Hop news and info you need; and this is what you need to know.

256 Hip Hop Awards as an awards entity haven’t yet happened and according to their business profile; they are receiving submissions for nominations, which will run up to 28 February. The nominees to be announced around March, voting of artists in April and in May the results will be announced. See Chainrapblog for more details.

On the other hand, the UG Hip Hop Awards which didn’t happen last year due to reasons we don’t know; are back. The Nominees were announced on 15 same day the the submission for 256 Hip Hop Awards were announced – welcome to confusion! Currently, we are in the voting phase of the UG Hip Hop Awards whose third event will happen on 8 February. The awards are organised by The Tribe UG. [ See Nominees list here ]

The two entities are not managed or organised by the same Companies. Both 256 Hip Hop Awards and UG Hip Hop Awards aim at celebrating Ugandan Hip Hop. The two happen to almost share similar ideas and approaches to celebrating Ugandan hip hop; which is the most important thing.

For those who have been hitting me up and wondering whats what. Now you know. Support the movements if you love Ugandan Hip Hop and hold the two Awards faction accountable if you are not content.

Keep them inquiries coming!

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