George the Poet asks, who is fit to Lead? (spoken word Prod by Mike256)

George the Poet asks, who is fit to Lead? (spoken word Prod by Mike256)

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As we move closer to the 2016 Ugandan elections so many issues have been raised here and there. Bana Mutibwa being among the few activists to speak about politics boldly we have another quite objective spoken word piece Fit to lead from George the Poet. This poem serves as an iniative to use poetry to speak to the masses to try scan their selections.

George presents to us the motion of reflection as regards the candidates seeking our votes or our support. With the amazing work of Mike256 (formely known as Play) this production allows George to deliver his views with a story telling. Events highlighted are of the most competitive three presidential candidates ( incumbent President Museveni, Dr. Kiiza Besiege and Amama Mbabazi without subjecting the intention of the argument. And so to bring forth the rhetoric who is fit to lead?

Written and Performed by GEORGE MPANGA Produced by MICHAEL MATOVU 

Additional Vocals/Lyrics by TONYA AHENDA
Additional Guitar by DAVID RUJOJO

Source : Mike256


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4 thoughts on “George the Poet asks, who is fit to Lead? (spoken word Prod by Mike256)

  1. […] Fit To lead by George the poet. It is produced by Mike256, it is a social inspired piece on the road to Uganda’s 2016 Election. What qualifies it is the fact that George is still connected to his roots and has the will to talk about social issues such as politics. Listening to the piece, one will think of proper ways of choosing leaders. We need leaders seriously! Even in Hip hop or Poetry we do! […]

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