Keko talks ‘Sober Up So High’ campaign with CNN African Voices

Keko talks ‘Sober Up So High’ campaign with CNN African Voices

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With a successful  Love From Venus mix tape release and listening party  at Gatomato in June ; Keko comes closer or entirely to rubbish or nullify certain allegations on her. In fact the most recent being; she is quitting (in an interview she makes it clear she is still doing this. – Listen to the Interview HERE). And the alleged Keko is on drugs story is championed by her initiative to support sobering up.


Keko discusses her Sober Up Campaign, which is to help inspire kids that “being high always is no that cool”. In her own words she says she wants to open the door so others can walk in. She discusses so much, especially her battle with drugs and drug addiction which she uses as  testimony to uplift youth and emphasize sobriety

More of the story Here 

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