Lyrical G’s GEEZY album officially out

Lyrical G’s GEEZY album officially out

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Lyrical G has finally released his GEEZY album five years after Feel Good Music (2014). The new album is a 15 track project (including skits) with features that range from legendary artists, young and prominent artists ranging from GNL, MC Yallah, Easy Tex, Unique, St. Nelly Sade, Sliq Teq and others. This release (on 30 August, 2019) marks the ninth album from LG. He executive produced it along with Collin Subika and G-Son Mgm.

95 percent of the album was produced by LG and the rest was contribution from Koz and Effekt, Sliq Teq and easy Tex.

This is GEEZY official cover art

GEEZY official tracklist
Official GEEZY tracklist

The album is not yet on streaming services here is visual of a single:

Contact Lyrical G’s team for a copy of the album here

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