Six With Joel Kisalu aka K S L – Talk on African Childhood Stories & Journey

Six With Joel Kisalu aka K S L – Talk on African Childhood Stories & Journey

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Prior to KSL’s  EP Listening party I got in touch with him to break down his journey and the expectations his fans and would bes would have. On the first feature dubbed Six With, i ask him Six important questions and he answers them as follows.

Who is KSL?  Joel kisalu aka KSL, my stage name comes from my second name as well as family name my father labeled my belongings and my siblings’ belongings with the initials KSL. So am just trying to represent where I come from and my family.

How long have you been involved with hip hop and from which hood are you ? 
I started rapping at the age of 10 but released my first track in 2015.
Am from Kamwokya and a big fan of Bobi wine.

Now lets dive into your EP, for a person who has no clue what do you have to tell them? 
My E.P is called African childhood stories because each song is not just a song but an experience in my life, the album is one big story.

Now you have a listening party this Saturday, what should we expect?
Being my first listening party expect something new from the hip hop world the e.p also features different artists from Uganda, a Nigerian DJ and a Kenyan rapper so it will be something to enjoy.

Why this move though?
I decided to do this listening party so that people can get to enjoy good music and give my fans a time of their life and new experience as well as get to know me better.

What sound is your EP promising and particularly whats your sound like. Are you a trappers, conscious or ?
I am more of a realist so i rap about life and mine and those around me.

Stay tuned for our new Feature titled Six With  only on Subscribe to be apt with it!

Interview By  Ayella NuveySHAWN

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