Social Media celebrates Ugandan Hip Hop with #42DaysOfUGHipHop hashtag – see best of Day 1

Social Media celebrates Ugandan Hip Hop with  #42DaysOfUGHipHop hashtag –  see best of Day 1

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Social Media has the ability to transcend bad and great ideas. The idea of #42DaysOfUGHipHop is gaining traction as I write.

An idea to share and celebrate
Ugandan Hip Hop for 42 days was evoked yesterday by a tweet from one Twitter user @MadMudokolo as he Suggested to his following to use 42 days to discover more Ugandan Hip Hop. His tweet later was quoted by Ugandan rapper, The Mith who went ahead to suggest the usage of the hashtag #42DaysOfUGHipHop. The Mith also @ted other media platforms seeking their thoughts on this idea.

NuveyLive on Twitter and other platforms has gone a head to push for this idea. Official this website came out to announce 8 June, 2021 as the official day 1 of sharing new, rare, unreleased music and moments in UG Hip Hop with the tweet below:

What started as a slow day 1, gave us a number of nostalgic moments from artists themselves sharing and slowly being joined by fans.
Day 1 tweets👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿

By the time I was writing this piece, over 15 Ugandans on Twitter (mostly) and other social platforms had memories to share. Most of them joined in on Day 2, and the posts are reminding us of the “Golden Era of UG Hip Hop”.
One thing about this initiative is that it’s helping bridge the gap between the old and young, plus giving room for fans to discover what they might have missed.
Proud to be part of this moment
See you in the Tweets and posts. #42DaysOfUGHipHop.

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