Benezeri puts out Togwamu Suubi Oficial Music Video Ft Sandra Suubi & Sam Bisaso

Benezeri puts out Togwamu Suubi Oficial Music Video Ft Sandra Suubi & Sam Bisaso

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Benezeri on his pursuit to make positive music teams up with Sandra Suubi &
Sam Bisaso to make Togwamu Suubi. He released the official video on his you tube channel- Benezeri Tv yesterday Oct 13. This song is one of those inspiration songs that call for hope especially among the youth as they  go through a number of challenges. The idea behind the video aims at highlighting the  issues in our communities at the ground level of the lowest person.

And truly this sign off ” tomorrow can never be the same”  is so true and remarkable.

Togwamu Suubi (Oficial Music Video)

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