New Video| ‘Honarable Muuki’ by Survivor ft Tracy Noel is a Satire well delivered

New Video| ‘Honarable Muuki’ by Survivor  ft Tracy Noel is a Satire well delivered

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The sinister actions of a number of politicians on this one has been manipulated to form the subject matter of this track by Survivor (veteran rapper now rapporter with NTV News Beat) ft Tracy Noel. On a Koz N Effekt beat Survivor raps in a persona of a politician who is corrupt, in human and indifferent wait these must mean the same thing so I will let you add to the list actually! We all know elections are around the corner this satirical piece is the perfect edutaining song we need as a follow-up of Fit to Lead by George.

The video has Survivor giving us a caricature of the greedy politicians and there motives in a voice that is in confession, you would think we should pity them since politicians have problems like the need to cater for their wives and mistresses. He raps in Luganda but good enough the subtitles are provided. Tracy on this song acts as the ridiculing voice that completes the satire to bring to our attention that Honorable ( any politician out there abusing office) is not representing the people but himself or personal goals.

The video has garnered about 1k view in two days! It is pretty hilarious to watch, but isn’t that what a satirical piece of work is made of ?

Enjoy video below:


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