Up and coming rapper Mark Mick has released his Bad Feeds EP

Up and coming rapper Mark Mick has released his Bad Feeds EP

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Mark Mick, an up and coming rapper has officially released his debut EP, Bad Feeds. Real name Kasako El-Mickey, he describes himself as a Ugandan musician , song writer and producer. Apparently he is signed to New Age Music and working closely with NTM.

Bad Feeds was released four days ago  (on 25th April, 2019) with contribution from  DJ Scar Face and Ggreen Sshark. The recently released ‘Natasha’s Eyes’ also features on this three-track EP.  Josh Forehead and DJ Slugface produced the project.  
Bad Feeds Cover art
Mark Mick on this project he showcases his rap skills, trap sound influence and the rawness of any budding rapper who is  so proud of his hood, Ntinda and Uganda at large. His Soundcloud catalogue has several tracks can give you a background of his sound and vibe. His ability to switch between Luganda and English is remarkable.
 Stream Bad Feeds below:


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