Naxa in his Gospel gives all the hope and Vision the Youth need

Naxa in his Gospel gives all the hope and Vision the Youth need

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The “Dreaming Song” comes to mind when you mention Naxa to me or his Change album. Being a young and budding rapper, he offers contemporary gospel as he uplifts God. The emphasis is not just acknowledging His presence but solutions that are inspired in part by divinity and also experience. Naxa is not a gospel rapper, he is a contemporary gospel artist. He is happy when he raps, there is an inspired persona. In the early days of Kelele at Makerere as a regular, I saw him perform his raps as poems with no instrumentals and he had a edge to him.

This year he dropped his debut album whose lead single got him score interviews on TV and radio. He spits like a Tucker HD mentored under the Hidden Empire stance. He he has a unique attitude to spitting his truth and the TRUTH.

He is part of the generation, that is said to be depressed, delinquent and desperate. He knows there are dooms day tendencies, but won’t shy away from the fact that you have to Dance about it. He also reminds us, the youth now, that we can dream. He dedicated a whole song to dreams: the visions we have of what we want to become or working already to achieve.

He is willing to go crazy as long you can hear him. “Change” carries his gratitude in the Lord and for his life. Naxa is aware of the generation he comes from: A Chosen Generation. It is upon him to use his gift to talk about his time.

The Naxa I met three years ago doing his thang as a poet at the Kelele At Makerere Platform and others like Prime Time (Makerere) is still the hungry and yet still focused poet. He is a poet in-transition as he wraps contemporary issues in his raps as an outcome of his gift without bias of what religious sect – we all need hope.

The heart of his recent album and his philosophy as an artist is embodied in the hook: There’s gotta be a change and the change begins with me. His “Dance” video is impressive and carries a sense of freedom that encompasses the vision for his generation.

Naxa’s Change album is available on Sulapay and iTunes

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