Single Alert: Nzikiriza – Pryce Teeba feat. Abaasa

Single Alert: Nzikiriza – Pryce Teeba feat. Abaasa

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Last year was a wonderful one for the Dustville representative Pryce Teeba and college Abaasar. The Two had some of the best projects of 2015. And collectively as Dustville, the crew is defining the scene limitlessly and proving how dope  they are. Nzikiriza   is track three off the Kambujilire mixtape  according to some critics was worth being an album.

Nzikiriza is produced by multi-talented artist, Abaasa who also sings the hook on it with the added back ups. Its one of the love songs on Kambajulire which helped the mixtape have an all round appeal and dimension.

Nzikiriza – Pryce Teeba feat. Abaasa

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