AUDIO: Stream New ‘Abantu Beira’ by Wake

AUDIO: Stream New ‘Abantu Beira’ by Wake

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The Hidden Empire spoken word and rapper Wake has released Abantu Beira. The song’s title is in Lugwere to mean “people of the Past” The Potters Clay member has a penchant for authentic African appraisal when he comes to concepts in his music; the titles speak that well for him. Wake has made the first day of February with this new track; Happy new Month by the way!

Abantu Beira is an Afro Beat fusion with delivery mainly by rap and Afro Hooks and  is produce by Paul Mugwera. Its an energetic performance reminding us of the past and the intelligence of the people who came before our time. He introduces the song in reminiscence; of a conversation he has with his “Jaaja” – Grandparent. The notion of knowing your history and know where you are going pervades the song entirely. The African tradition and its significance. Wake is truly a rhetorical person when it comes to his spoken word and rap pieces.

Listen to the song below and feel free to leave a comment on what you think of the song.

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