Ledra brings out MAFB, KSL & Lamu on ‘Everything’ – is life a movie, with no Sequel?

Ledra  brings out  MAFB, KSL & Lamu on  ‘Everything’ – is life a movie, with no Sequel?

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Ledra is a multi talented artist. He is a producer, singer and all together a rapper. He produced Chief’s TWO III in case you didn’t know. Everything is Ledra’s latest offering. On this he brings out MAFB, KSL (insert Craziness), and Lamu.

Life is a movie and there will never be a sequel – Lamu

The notion of faking it and making it pervades this track.  Everything is a highly themed song that highlights the universal perspective of self and others. The rappers and the singer all reflect on self and what people would think of you. How life actually is competitive and we have to do our best to survive it.

This track is a rhetoric in it self delivered over trap patterned drums and synthetic sounds.  Produced at Dizzy Dust,   which is certainly a highly trap affiliated production house lately.

In the quest to be somebody, this is the track to vibe to, to encourage you. Everybody wants to be something, and thats what Everything brings forward effortlessly. The swiftness of life and it being a movie with no sequel.

Everybody wanna be somewhere/ If you don’t work hard  you will  be  nowhere ! –  MAFB

Trap as a sub-genre within hip hop music is growing and having more dominance mainly linked to most up and coming Ntinda artists.  If you are a Pryce, HABO or Mickey Solo fan here is one addition to your Trap(lay) – List. Ledra is certainly an artist to watch out for!

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