STRAP Teases ‘BALANCE’ Short Film, Set for Release May 19th

STRAP Teases ‘BALANCE’ Short Film, Set for Release May 19th

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With three remarkable projects out and now a short film set for release on May 19th, STRAP doesn’t sleep!

Last year he got nominated in the first ever UG Hip Hop Awards 2016 as Diaspora Artist. He released His two story in one Album, Drinks and Conversation towards the end of the year. STRAP showcased his ideals and attempt to film with Kid From Zion / co directed by him. In Kid from Zion he tells the actual story on D&C of a Kid from Zion living in a foreign world. The skits on the LP add to the narrative as the outside the music narrative.

All that is 2016-ish, STRAP teased BALANCE and captioned it as a “Short Movie” last weekend April 30.  Little detail was given and thus we are left to anticipate.  According to what is posted on his page it was directed by Marcwright35 and him.

In the video STRAP is seated in a chair and has his hand tired up and his mouth tapped.  On the gray tape there is scribblings saying “Shut up” An unidentified lady walks around him threatening and points a pistol at him. Different shots are shown, close ups on STRAP and the lady with a Wolf like jacket and teeth.  The sound track is Dark Knight track three of Futuristic Past produced by AFOST.

STRAP definitely is added to his craft and story telling with film besides Futuristic Past was highly inspired by the movie Back to Future. From we have a feeling deep insight in this forthcoming project is necessary!

Until then Here is the Teaser: BALANCE

Get Dark Knight – STRAP ft Steph Kapela:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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