“Cente Me Nono” was produced by Giniman, mixed and mastered by Nase Avatar.
Stayput is the voice for going hard or going home. He has told us a number of tales like “Old Chief Kakande”, “School Days” and “Do What I got to Do”. He explores so many themes in his music however grinding is one of the most recurrent. “Cente Me Nono” in Lango means “Free Money”, explores the idea of one being in position to be self sufficient and financially independent.
While financial independence takes long; none of us should nna (get used) to free things, money… whatever – we got to put in the work to acquire these things.
Stayput narrates what he has to go through everyday as he is looking for “kas” (money) and shows. Going through the dirt because he knows who he is, since free things are actually very expensive.
At a time when rampant cases of theft and robberies are being caught on camera, this project incidentally echoes the need for the youth to work harder. Nothing is coming free but how are we working for and towards getting money?
Getting Cente is the goal and shouldn’t be me nono (free).
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