Episode 4 NuveyLive Podcast: Shemy B tallks Street Identiy, Beef, rap battles and more

Episode 4 NuveyLive Podcast: Shemy B tallks Street Identiy, Beef, rap battles and more

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On this Episode I  hosted SHEMY B on the show to talk about his Album STREET IDENTITY and the successful events that came out of it. He also talks about beef his remarks will interest you, rap battles and a highlight of his next album, not to forget his merchandise.

I had a great time talking to him and one thing that still stuck to me is when he shared his view about beef ( Tucker Vs Code), he put it that ” beef isnt an element of hip hop” out of the elements of hip hop. Enjoy

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[archiveorg Ep4HULSShemyBTalksStreetIdentiyTheAlbumBeefRapBattlesAndSoMuchMore width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]



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